Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to The Scarbrough Clinic FAQ resource center! 

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, contact us.

General Questions

Please call and give us 24-hours notice.  You can then come by and sign a release and pick up your copies. A release has to be signed by the patient whom the records are for.

When we send you for your MRI, the facility will give you a copy of your MRI on a disc to take to the specialist and will fax us a copy of the report. We will then call you to set up a time to review it, as well as send you to whichever appropriate specialist that you are wanting to be seen by.

We do not perform any operations at our offices. If there is a possibility that an operation may be needed, we will send you for further testing with a specialist. We will assist you in communicating with the specialist and providing them with updated records. 

The Scarbrough Clinic performs X-rays and standard bloodwork (as needed). For all other testing, we will refer you to a specialist facility. 

Yes.  However, the more drugs you are taking, the more difficult your case will be.  But taking medications does not disqualify you from getting our help and getting great results.  But you need to understand that I will NEVER tell you to stop taking any medication, only your medical doctor can do that.

Our goal is to get you healthy enough that your doctor will decrease or take you off your medications because you wont need them anymore.

The problem that I’ve seen, is that your doctor is so inundated with running their practice and trying to follow the constantly changing rules of the government, insurances, and the drug reps, that they no longer have time to keep up with the most current methods.  They just simply don’t stay current with scientific research on non-drug methods of supporting the body.  Or they are either stuck in a time warp from 30 years ago.  You would not believe the demands on your medical doctors time to just stay in practice now days.

Yes. Your initial visit is done in our office and locally, then your follow up care is remotely done via email and by telephone. Our front desk can help you with travel plans.

Appointment Questions

We try hard to make sure that you get value out of your visit with us.  We know that you have other choices and are thankful that you chose us.  You will know before anything is done, how much you will have to pay.  We know it is confusing but at our office, we do our best to answer these questions before you are taken back. Our staff can answer your questions about prices after they have talked to you about what procedure you are interested in and after they have verified your insurance. 

No Problem!  Approximately ⅓ of our patients do not have insurance. You will find that care is more affordable at our office when compared to other offices for what you get and what is included.

Our new patient forms are available on our website HERE. Or, you can call and we can fax them to you.

Sure!  We still do walk-in chiropractic and DOT physicals.

But hours are set aside to spend with neurometabolic patients suffering with more difficult cases such as thyroid, gut dysfunction, and other chronic diseases.  These patients are scheduled with an appointment so that I can spend more time with them.

It is best if you call our office to book an appointment because we try our best to space patients out so you do not have to wait any longer than necessary. 

Pre-scheduled appointments are generally given priority in the office.

If you request an appointment via our website, please note that the appointment is not scheduled until confirmed by a member of our office staff via phone call.